person holding hands over groin area

How to Deal with Groin Eczema

Eczema often flares up in problem areas where skin touches the skin, like inside the elbows or behind the knees. One of the most annoying and possibly embarrassing areas to get eczema is the groin....
close up of womans fingers, one with a gold ring

How to Treat Scaly Eczema

Unlike weeping eczema, Scaly eczema leads to thick, dry, cracked “crocodile” skin. The top layer of skin, called the epidermis, flakes off, leaving behind thick, itchy skin. It can be a real nuisan...
woman in grey shirt scratching neck
dry eczema

Natural Treatment for Dry Eczema

Eczema is a fairly common but complicated skin disease, often characterized by patchy inflamed skin that can blister, scale, and cause itchiness and misery. It’s often nicknamed “the rash that itch...
family of four wearing tencel pajamas
dry wrapping

How to Dry Wrap

Severe eczema can be a serious drag, especially when nothing seems to be providing relief. Although wet wrap therapy provides quick help for eczema sufferers, it is only a short-term solution and a...
scratching top of hand

How to Treat Eczema on Hands

Hand eczema is among the most distressing because you are constantly using your hands, and they are regularly exposed to irritants. Also, bad eczema on the hands can be pretty embarrassing as it's ...
person scratching red rash on elbow

How to Treat Eczema on Elbows

Eczema is a chronic condition where patches of skin become rough and inflamed, or scaly and red, with blisters that cause itching and bleeding. It is very common in children but can occur at any ag...
Woman with hands on knee eczema.

How to Treat Eczema on Knees

Eczema can make skin red, dry, itchy, weeping/oozing, thick, scaly or any combination of those symptoms. It often develops in problem spots where skin touches skin, like eczema behind the knees. Sw...