pool water in summer

What to do About Chlorine and Eczema

Ah, summer! The hot weather and sunshine might make you want to do nothing more than take the plunge into a swimming pool. Your skin, however, may have other ideas. If you have eczema, you may be w...
shingles on a person's body

Shingles vs Eczema Rash: Can you Tell Them Apart?

Eczema and shingles are both conditions that cause the skin to become inflamed. They share other similarities too, such as being itchy and even painful. Because of their similar rash-like appearanc...
images of spring, summer, fall and winter

Is Eczema Seasonal?

If you have eczema, you may notice that symptoms may come and go. Perhaps you notice flare ups get bad in the winter or that you’re extra itchy during the warm, summer months. This begs the questio...
man scratching his neck

How Many Types of Eczema Are There?

Eczema is an umbrella term to describe a group of skin conditions that cause inflammation, dryness, irritation, and itchiness. Each type of eczema has different triggers and treatment options. A co...
person scratching dry arm

Is it a Fungal Infection or Eczema?

If you’re noticing your skin is red, itchy, and irritated, you may be wondering whether it’s eczema or a fungal infection. Eczema and fungal infections are often confused for one another because of...
man with eczema on wrist

How to Get Rid of Eczema on Wrist

Having eczema on your hands and wrists is fairly common. In fact, wrist eczema affects as many as 10% of the US population. One of the reasons why it may be so prevalent is because of the hazards t...
women crying from exhaustion

How to Deal with Exhaustion and Eczema

Living with eczema is hard. From sleepless nights tossing and turning to not being able to wear your favorite wooly sweater, there are so many things that can put a strain on everyday living. Not t...
woman scrubbing foot

How to Fix Cracked Skin on Feet

You're not alone if you have dry, cracked skin on your feet, you’re not alone. This is a common problem that many people cope with daily. While it can sometimes be a cosmetic issue, dry skin can be...
woman turning on tap

How to Treat Hard Water Dermatitis

Hard water is water that contains high levels of calcium and magnesium. It occurs when water filters through underground limestone, gypsum, or chalk. There is some evidence to support the fact that...