woman scrubbing foot

How to Fix Cracked Skin on Feet

You're not alone if you have dry, cracked skin on your feet, you’re not alone. This is a common problem that many people cope with daily. While it can sometimes be a cosmetic issue, dry skin can be...
woman turning on tap

How to Treat Hard Water Dermatitis

Hard water is water that contains high levels of calcium and magnesium. It occurs when water filters through underground limestone, gypsum, or chalk. There is some evidence to support the fact that...
fabric rolled up on top of each other

What is the Best Fabric for Eczema?

When you suffer from eczema, your clothes can be the difference between clear skin and a bad flare-up. For example, many people may experience increased irritation, sweating, overheating, and itchi...
essential oils for eczema

The Best Essentials Oils for Eczema and Dry Skin

As a natural skincare company, we’re all about finding clean solutions that will support your skin healing journey safely and effectively. That’s why we carry products that are made with nourishing...
man wiping dandruff off shoulder

The Best Cradle Cap for Adults Treatment

Although cradle cap, otherwise known as infant seborrheic dermatitis, is often associated with babies, cradle cap for adults is possible too. If you’re dealing with yellowish scales, red skin, and ...
woman in tanning bed

Does the Tanning Bed Help Eczema?

If you suffer from eczema, you’re probably on the lookout for solutions. Something that may come up in your research is eczema and tanning beds. There is a lot of information out there, as well as ...
pregnant woman holding belly

Can you Develop Eczema After Pregnancy?

The miracle of childbirth brings many physical changes to the body. Some of these you may be familiar with while others are less known. For example, many people with a history of eczema note that t...
book that says 'autoimmune diseases' on paper

Lupus vs Eczema: How Are They Different?

Itchy rashes are a common problem that can occur because of a variety of reasons. Because of this, it can sometimes be difficult to determine what kind of rash you’re experiencing and where it came...
mother kissing baby on cheek

How to Treat Infant Cheek Eczema

Baby skin is known for being soft and silky smooth. When a baby has infant cheek eczema, however, you may notice crusty, red, and flaky patches on your little one’s skin. This may appear in their f...